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FireBoard 2 Pro

At first I hated this controller, I originally wanted it for the water resistance and the 1600 degree probes. The cooks were good but the screen kept going black and you couldn't read it. As you mite think this would make you crazy during a 18 hour cook and the screen dies. I have to hand it to Fire Board they replaced the first unit out for a new one and WOW what a difference.

The #1 thing I love most is that the blower only comes on is small busts at low speeds and keeps the temp within a half a degree. They were smart enough to put a damper in the blower so that when its not on the air doesn't rush in causing a temp over run.

This thing is battery powered if you don't need full blower power ( almost never do ). Water resistant so they say. I don't trust it I put a ziplock bag over it in the rain. Probes that go to 1600 degrees!!!! Even I can't kill them.
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One thing I realized you have to make sure that all accessories are plugged in before starting this controller. If you don't and you plug it in after the unit is running , I get errors during the cooks.
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