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Mixing items on kabobs


Griller Member
I can grill most things pretty good but I struggle with kabobs. I like to mix vegetables and meat on each one. Anyone have any tips on getting the perfect kabobs? It seems like the vegetables get mushy or overcooked before the meat is done. Share your tips please.
I stopped making kabobs with vegetables and meat. I stopped for the same reason, food didn't cook evenly.
I sometimes will skewer up some vegetables. Other times I marinate them and then toss them on foil (open foil though).


Griller Member
I used to have the same problem in the past. Some vegetables take longer than the meat, and vice versa. It also depends on what kind of meat you're grilling (chicken tends to take less time in my experience). I now try to choose vegetables that take more or less the same time.


Griller Member
I have the same problem. I kind of gave up on putting my vegetables in the skewers. What I started doing is putting only meat in the kebobs and grilling the vegetables on the side.


Griller Member
Andrea may I ask how you grill your vegetables then? Do you just toss them on foil?
I think I'll start making vegetable kabobs and meat kabobs. Most of the time the vegetables cook quicker (I use zucchini, mushrooms and tomatoes).


Griller Member
I stopped making kabobs with vegetables and meat. I stopped for the same reason, food didn't cook evenly.
I sometimes will skewer up some vegetables. Other times I marinate them and then toss them on foil (open foil though).