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Search results

  1. Rich

    Reply to review by 'Rich' on item 'Ribeye steaks'

    Thank you for the nice comments.
  2. Grilled Chicken seasoned

    Grilled Chicken seasoned

    -1 pound chicken -1/2 teaspoon salt -1/4 teaspoon black pepper -1/2 teaspoon paprika -1/4 teaspoon cumin -1 tablespoon olive oil -1 small red onion, diced -1 bell pepper, diced -2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
  3. Ribeye steaks

    Ribeye steaks

    Two 1" rid eye steaks light seasoning with holy cow meat church light amount of salt and pepper
  4. Spatchcock chicken

    Spatchcock chicken

    I attempted to cook spatchcock chicken, or butterfly chicken. Next time, I would like to pull the convector and crisp up the skin. I used lemons and garlic and let it marinate.
  5. Prime Rib

    Prime Rib

    Last weekend I had family over and we cooked on the egg a 3 bone Prime Rib.
  6. Rich

    Review by 'Rich' on item 'Brisket (18.7 bs)'

    Looks amazing. Duma Meats is the best. Need to do another brisket soon!