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Pizza On The Grill


Staff member
Griller Member
We have two restaurants in our town that cook brick oven pizzas, and we can't stay away. The crust is just so much better cooked that way. I wish I had some way to do this at home. Is there a way? What is your favorite pizza?


Griller Member
I think I've had brick oven pizza once or twice in my life, but I remember how tasty it was.

If you have the tools and the products needed, you can build your own if you have a patio or back yard. I am not really handy myself, but if you like building stuff, you can do it. I found a video that shows you how:



Griller Member
That's a great tutorial! It makes it look so easy to build a pizza oven, although I don't think I would venture to try. It sure would be great to have one in the back yard though.


Griller Member
I have tried my hand at pizza many times on our grill. It's horrible! I wish I had an outdoor pizza oven. That tutorial makes it look easy to make. I think I'll give it a go over the winter.