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Looking Forward to Grilling Again!


Griller Member
It's been a snowy few days here in Lauren so we haven't been able to grill anything. I can't wait for next weekend; there will hopefully be less snow and we will be able to do something. A couple of friends are coming over, so it should be fun. I'm thinking skirt steak, lamb rack and maybe some sort of fish.


Staff member
Griller Member
Im not to fond of Lamb. Fish is on the list soon on the smoker. Its snowing today so I will be cooking something a little less involved.


Griller Member
It's snowing here too so my wife and I decided to hibernate for a few days. I don't think I will be grilling anything for a few weeks. It's just too cold and not really enjoyable.


Griller Member
@Rich I would love to hear how you smoke fish. What fish, spices/rubs and anything else you would like to share. I've grilled fish numerous times but never smoked it. I love smoked salmon but have not tried it yet (smoking my own).