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Wood pellets or wood chips


Griller Member
What is your preference when using your smoker? Do you use both, depending on what you are smoking? How do you choose either?

I find that we use wood pellets more often. I think they burn hotter and longer. I do use both though.


Staff member
Griller Member
Using a pellet grille is one way to use wood pellets. I mainly use wood chunks in My big green egg. Im also not a fan of a lot of smoke taste so I tend to use a small amount. Cherry and apple is my favorite. I use about 3 chunks to a cook.


Griller Member
I like to use mesquite wood chips personally, but the apple wood chips are the most popular around here in the store. I have to get my chips online.


Griller Member
I use wood chunks too at times. I don't mind the "smoke" taste. I have not found a good apple wood pellet yet in my area. The ones I have tried smell good while burning, but the meat doesn't have any sort of apple flavor.


Griller Member
I have a pellet smoker, so I tend to only use wood pellets. I am a beginner, so it makes it much easier for me, because my smoker is specifically designed for pellets. The only disadvantage is that I have less flexibility with it. My boyfriend, on the other hand, prefers to use chunks in his smoker. He's a master griller, and for him nothing would do other than actual wood :D


Griller Member
I use wood chunks too at times. I don't mind the "smoke" taste. I have not found a good apple wood pellet yet in my area. The ones I have tried smell good while burning, but the meat doesn't have any sort of apple flavor.
That's what my wife says. I think the flavor is subtle, but I swear it's there. Then again, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.


Griller Member
That's what my wife says. I think the flavor is subtle, but I swear it's there. Then again, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.
Well I don't like the flavor of anything "burnt" but I like smoked. I can't even eat toast if is a little dark. It's funny how our mind plays tricks on us.