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Electric or Gas?


Griller Member
What would you suggest for camping? An electric or a gas smoker? I'm a bit torn between the two and can't really decide. Any thoughts? Also, are there any brands you can recommend?


Griller Member
Would you have electric at the campsite? I'm thinking of my own camping trips (tent, no electric).
If you have electric, I would go for the electric one. They are easier to control (ideal for campsite).

Mighty Maxwell

Griller Member
I like to cook over the fire when I'm camping, so I'm no help with this one. Kkel has a good point about whether you'll have access to power. I might go with propane or charcoal in this instance.


Griller Member
There are some good and bad things about both. For example, an electric smoker is way easier to use and needs no monitoring. On the other hand, the flavor is much better with a gas smoker.